Ad Hoc 3D solutions

Abbiamo reinventato l’ortofoto

Ad Hoc 3D Solutions has been developing new methods of managing and using point clouds from 15 years.

One of the main strength of our developments was the semantic classification of the point clouds.

Case study mix

Semantic classificated point clouds radically have changed our approach to laser scanner and photogrammetric survey and have led us to develop new ideas.

Today we present one of the most interesting and shocking results of this adventure and that concerns the true orthophoto, one of the most classic geomatic outputs.

The true orthophoto is rich in information on clearly visible areas, such as rock walls. Due to the presence of vegetation, however, many areas are obviously not visible.

Ortofoto classica

Our recent developments have allowed us to reinvent the orthophotos generation methodology and, starting from the same data set, today everything changes ….

Ortofoto veg

…. we can look beyond vegetation, beyond obstacles, beyond imagination. Orthophotos are now enriched with new information, without any loss of precision or quality …


… we have reinvented the true orthophotos !!!

Ad Hoc 3D news from the world

Ad Hoc 3D team is just back from a challenging mission  in central Asia. We exploited our new 3D Mission Planner with a DJI Matrice 600 Pro to integrate a TLS survey. Our new 3D planning tool proved to be very effective also in wide and demanding environments. The productivity was incredibly increased while safety was enforced.


Hisilicon Balong

#monitoring #survey #cartography #DJI #matrice600pro

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Ad Hoc 3D Solutions s.r.l. C.F. P.I.: 01134080074
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