- Ad Hoc 3D Solutions srl

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Cookies are small files saved by the browser. They help the Holder in providing the service. More informations:

Technical cookies

The Holder, during the navigation, will install on your device technical cookies that don't require the user agreement. These cookies allow to:

Other Cookies and third-party Cookies

The Holder will not install proprietary profiling cookies, but will allow the installation of third-party Cookies a terzi l'installazione di Cookie necessary to the acquisition of statistical information in anonymous and aggregate form related to navigation on this website. Following are the third-party services used by this website that may install cookies of various nature.

Statistical analysis services

Google Analytics (Google)

Web analysis service provided by Google Inc (USA). Used by the Holder to get statistical informations about the navigation on its website.
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Social network


Social service provided by Facebook Inc (USA). Used by the Holder to allow user to share the website contents on Facebook platform
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Social service provided by Twitter Inc (USA). Used by the Holder to allow user to share the website contents on Twitter platform
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Social service provided by LinkedIn Corporation (USA). Used by the Holder to allow user to share the website contents on LinkedIn platform
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Social service provided by Cold Brew Labs, Inc. (USA). Used by the Holder to allow user to share the website contents on Pinterest platform
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Displaying content from external platforms


Video service provided by Google Inc (USA). Used by the Holder to display videos into the pages of its website
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Video service provided by IAC/InterActiveCorp (USA). Used by the Holder to display videos into the pages of its website
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Using the link below you can choose whether or not to allow the installation of third-party cookies.

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In case of third-party services, you can exercise your right to oppose to the tracking by inquiring through the privacy policy provided through the links above, through the opt out links if provided, or by contacting the parties.

Browser configuration

If you wish, you can manage the Cookies through the browser, to prevent for example the installation of third-party Cookies or delete already installed Cookies. For more information visit the help page of your browser:


Ad Hoc 3D Solutions srl, Fraz. La Roche 8, 11020 Gressan (AO)

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